Explore Jackal Protocol with Leap

Swap any token for $JKL
With in-wallet swaps on Leap Wallet, you can easily acquire as much $JKL as you want. Simply swap any asset for $JKL.
Send & receive $JKL using IBC
Send or receive $JKL using Leap Wallet, with simplified IBC for quick transfers.
Stake & earn rewards
Leap Wallet offers one-click staking, so you can stake & start earning rewards on your $JKL.
Instant notifications
Leap Wallet sends instant notifications for all your wallet activity, including send, receive, staking rewards & more…

Intuitive UX, clean UI

Portfolio overview
All your assets, categorised neatly for a comprehensive overview of your portfolio.

Accurate price feed
Stay updated with the action. Token prices & portfolio values update in real time with decimal precision.

Your wallet, your style
Customise themes, set custom PFPs, & view values in the currency of your choice. Make your wallet truly yours.

Go ghost
Prevent shoulder surfing by hiding all dollar values & balances. Show off your assets, not your stacks!

Made for more
Keep one for your DeFi, one for NFTs, one for trading… Import, create, & manage as many wallets as you want.

Ledger Support
Keep your assets safer by accessing them only when you need to. Pair Ledger with Leap for secure interactions.

Conveniently safe
Stay in control, while we keep you secure. No compromises on safety, no tradeoffs on ease of use.