Onboarding & Setup

How to switch from Keplr to Leap?

Switch from Keplr to Leap in seconds

Importing your Keplr wallet into Leap is the easiest and safest way to start using your Cosmos tokens on Leap.

You don’t need to manually transfer or unstake your tokens when you switch, just import all your wallets into Leap and pick up where you left off.

Leap Wallet is available as browser extension (On Chrome, Brave & Edge) and Android and iOS apps. Download here: leapwallet.io/download

Follow these steps to switch from Keplr to Leap

Migrating on Extension

After installing, you will be presented with 4 options. Select 'Keplr' under 'Import an existing wallet'. Now, enter the secret recovery phrase from Keplr wallet.

If you have multiple accounts in Keplr, you will be able to import them all.

Now, create a password to encrypt your wallet. Choose a strong password that you will remember.

Your wallet is now imported and ready to use. You can access it by clicking on the Leap icon in your browser's toolbar.

If you are using Chrome, the icon will be located in the top right corner of your browser. If you cannot find the icon, look for a "puzzle piece" icon and click on it to access a list of installed extensions. There, you should find Leap. Pin it to the toolbar for easier access.

Migrating on mobile (iOS / Android)

Once you install and open the app, tap the 'Import an existing wallet' option. Here, select Keplr. Now, enter your Keplr Wallet secret recovery phrase and click on 'Import Wallet.' All your wallets will be imported automatically.

That’s it! You are now ready to explore the interchain. Explore 70+ chains natively, connect to dApps, stake your tokens and much more.